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2008 - Newburyport - Question 4Shall the City of Newburyport be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so-called, the amounts required to pay for the bonds issued in order to fund the following list of existing authorized indebtedness: to construct additions, and remodel, reconstruct or make extraordinary repairs to the police station, including original equipment and related site improvements, pursuant to the votes of the City Council passed March 8, 1993 and August 29, 1994; to finance a feasibility study of the structural needs of City Hall and to make extraordinary repairs to City Hall, pursuant to the vote of the City Council passed November 8, 1993; to remodel, reconstruct, or make extraordinary repairs to City school buildings, pursuant to the vote of the City Council passed May 23, 1994; to acquire a portion of the land off Storey Avenue as shown on the City of Newburyport Assessor's Map 107 as Lot #1 and consisting of 9.8 Acres for general municipal purposes, including the construction of a school, pursuant to the vote of the City Council passed March 8 1999; to acquire all or a portion of a parcel of land on State Street as shown on the City of Newburyport Assessor's Map 13 as Lot 4 and consisting of 16,610 square feet for public parking purposes in fee or rights of easement, pursuant to the vote of the City Council passed March 8, 1999; to reconstruct the City boardwalk for outdoor recreational purposes, pursuant to the vote of the City Council passed May 8, 2000; to construct and reconstruct outdoor recreational facilities, consisting of the construction and reconstruction of brick walkways and the acquisition and installation of benches and lighting in City parks and other City recreational areas in the Market Square Bullnose, pursuant to the vote of the City Council passed May 8, 2000; to reconstruct and make extraordinary repairs to the City Hall, consisting of the repair of windows and surrounding brownstone on the City Hall, pursuant to the vote of the City Council passed May 8, 2000; to reconstruct the City boardwalk for outdoor recreational purposes, pursuant to the vote of the City Council passed November 26, 2001; to construct pedestrian walkways to the Boardwalk at the central waterfront for outdoor recreational purposes, pursuant to the vote of the City Council passed September 9, 2002; to purchase modular classrooms for the School Department, pursuant to the vote of the City Council passed May 12, 2003; to construct and reconstruct outdoor recreational facilities at the Moseley Woods Park and adjacent Water Department land, pursuant to the vote of the City Council passed January 12, 2004; for the FY 2005 Capital Improvement Project, consisting of Four Dump Trucks, Hoyt's Lane Drainage, Storm Water Compliance, Bresnahan School Repairs, Nock School Repairs, Fuller Field Repairs, Brown School Repairs, Central Server for the IT Department and SCBA Units/ Cascade for the Fire Department, pursuant to the vote of the City Council passed May 9, 2005; for the purchase of fire apparatus for the Fire Department, pursuant to the vote of the City Council passed March 10, 2008; and to fund the FY 2008 Capital Improvement Project, consisting of sidewalk repairs and material purchase, Inn Street electrical work, School Building ADA upgrades, security and HVAC improvements, storm water drainage, ADA upgrade to City Hall bathrooms, North Reservation Terrace relocation, and other maintenance and repairs, sidewalks, street drainage repair and paving?

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